Reconciling Indonesian History With 1965

10-121116_program_conference-coverDear Collegue and Southeast Asian enthusiasts,

Southeast Asia Studies Goethe University Frankfurt has the big pleasure inviting you to join our international conference, which will take place on November, 10th-12th 2016 in Campus Westend, Goethe University Frankfurt:

10.11.2016: Seminarhaus 5.101
11.11.2016: Seminarpavillion 2.03
12.11.2016: Casino 1.181

What is the truth behind Indonesian History in 1965?
30th September 1965: six general of indonesian military force were killed in the evening. Many indonesian top military members were missed or killed. PKI (Indonesian Communist Party) were blamed for this. Soeharto, as one of the general survivors , led the movement, to purge Indonesia from communist party, took control of indonesian government. which also well known as „Indonesian Massacres“, targeting many higher level of military members, left party and ethnic Chinese to investigate and even to kill behind „the anti communist purge“ reason. In indonesian Textbook and indonesian perspective about „anti communism movement“ however not really mention nor even processed the massmurder as part of indonesian history in 1965.

In Conference „Reconciling Indonesian History in 1965“ will be discussed about nationalism, communism, PANCASILA ideology, religion, moralism and violence in Indonesia after the military coup in 1965. Therefore the various of perspectives will be shown to seeing the truth behind the indonesian history in 1965.

Please register:

The registrationsfee (paid on site): 35 € (3 days) or 15 € (one day).

For students: free

To download (in pdf): Reconciling Indonesian History: Information and Conference Progamme

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